I am Gulmetova Komola, who was matriculated to the Masters of ICME for the April intake of 2022.
Before beginning the M1 from April, all newly accepted graduate students were welcome to attend the weekly Zoom meetings, which were conducted by the Head of ICME Department, Professor Onishi.
The weekly Zoom sessions are scheduled every Wednesday morning. The all-meeting discussions are held in English. The main purpose of the sessions is to keep in touch and develop the relationship between the students and professors. The M1 and M2 graduate students discuss the questions that can be raised while working on their research papers, while newly enrolled students can get clear understandings of how the study process can be held in the future. Sometimes we can raise various other topics that are related to personal, social, environmental issues, which all affect International Medicine and Global Health. Every student of the session can also make additional PPT presentations related to the medical field. After the approval of Professor Onishi, a student has to research the topic according to reliable and credible sources and has to be ready to present the presentation to the ICME group on the scheduled day.
Last week, I had a chance to present my own presentation to our group. The topic was related to motivation in medical education. More likely I raised the questions like, “Which factors motivate students to study in the medical field?”1, “How self-determination theory (intrinsic and extrinsic motivation) affects our motivation?”2, “What are the three dimensions in educational psychology?”3. All of these answers for the questions I provided by using the PPT during our session. At the end of the presentation, all the members including the students and professors started the active discussion and added additional ideas related to motivation in medical education. Additionally, Professor Onishi showed us the Flow Model of Motivation (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990)4.
I am really glad that we have such a great opportunity. The Zoom sessions help newly enrolled graduate students to smoothly join the teamwork and it prepares us for the beginning of the first graduate semester.
1 Goel S;Angeli F;Dhirar N;Singla N;Ruwaard D; (n.d.). What motivates medical students to select medical studies: A Systematic Literature Review. BMC medical education. Retrieved December 4, 2021, from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29343262/.
2 Ryan RM, Deci EL. Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development and well-being. American Psychologist. 2000;55:68–78.
3 Vermunt JD. Metacognitive, cognitive and affective aspects of learning styles and strategies: A phenomenographic analysis. Higher Educ. 1996;31:25–50
4 Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The psychology of optimal experience. New York, NY: Harper Collins.