Motivation: The Driving Force Behind Self-Regulated Learning | Yao Zhu (D2) | 2024/11/27 |
The Introduction of Nursing Care Demand and Health Care Delivery System in Japan and China | Meijie Sang(研究員) | 2024/09/25 |
Emotional Intelligence (EI) | Yao Zhu (D2) | 2024/09/04 |
Exploring Nurses’ Role in Decision-Making Support for Elderly Residents | Yunjia Tian (M2) | 2024/08/28 |
Comparison of Nursing Education in Japan and China | Meijie Sang(研究員) | 2024/07/03 |
Qualitative inquiry for (Phenomenological) Local Biologies | Doria-Anderson Nicholas Martin (D1) | 2024/06/18 |
Study designs and statistical methods for current observational studies | 阿部 計大(特任助教) | 2024/06/12 |
Self-directed Learning – Metacognitive Awareness | Yao Zhu (D1) | 2024/05/15 |
Advance Care Planning | Yunjia Tian (M2) | 2024/05/08 |
Study designs and statistical methods for current observational studies | 阿部 計大(特任助教) | 2024/05/01 |
PhD Research Progress | Liu Ruosu (D2) | 2024/04/24 |
Japan’s Postgraduate medical education (EPOC2 system) | 阿部 竜起(D2) | 2024/04/17 |
Writing Public Health Research | 阿部 計大(特任助教) | 2024/04/10 |
Date management 101: How to prepare your survey data for statistical analysis | 泉 有紀(D2) | 2024/04/03 |
Study designs and statistical methods for current observational studies | 阿部 計大(特任助教) | 2024/03/27 |
外国人診療向上のための研修会:関東に住む英語を話す外国人の現状、(続き) | 五十嵐ナーヤハーパー(D2) | 2024/03/06 |
Health care system of Jordan under crisis | 木戸 大輔 (M1) | 2024/02/28 |
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Physicians in Japan on Climate Change and Health | 五十嵐ナーヤハーパー(D2) | 2024/02/14 |
Study designs and statistical methods for current observational studies | 阿部 計大(特任助教) | 2024/02/07 |
Japanese Health Care System Focusing on so-called ‘Free-access System’ | 泉 有紀(D1) | 2024/01/24 |
How to Choose the Right Statistic Analysis Method | Xiaoyao Zhu (D1) | 2023/11/22 |
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) | 大西 弘高(講師) | 2023/01/08 |
Student Mistreatment in Medical Training ,(続き) | Wu Han (M2) | 2023/10/25 |
English competency for internationally qualified nurses | Yunjia Tian (M1) | 2023/10/18 |
Effective Reference Management with EndNote, Mendeley, and Zotero | Gulmetova Komola (M2) | 2023/10/11 |
Current state of Internation Medical Graduates in Japan | 阿部 竜起 (D1) | 2023/09/27 |
Theory of Five Factor Model | Yunjia Tian (M1) | 2023/09/06 |
Climate change and health – A study on Japanese physician’s views | 五十嵐ナーヤハーパー(D2) | 2023/08/30 |
Online Survey | 泉 有紀 (D1) | 2023/08/01 |
Disability, empathy and burnout in medical students | Wu Han (M2) | 2023/07/12 |
Japanese Interprofessional Care for Elderly | 大西 弘高(講師) | 2023/07/05 |
Medical Practice and AI | 大西 弘高(講師) | 2023/06/07 |
Happiness | Gulmetova Komola (M2) | 2023/05/31 |
Nursing Program between Australia and China | Yunjia Tian (M1) | 2023/05/24 |
ChatGpt & Medical Education | Wu Han (M2) | 2023/05/17 |
Self-Introduction, master’s thesis and PhD research Plan | 泉 有紀 (D1) | 2023/04/19 |
Empathy in Medical Students-Enhancing and fostering Compassion in Health Care | Wu Han | 2023/03/22 |
Burnout among medical students | Gulmetova Komola | 2022/12/12 |
Associations between PIE empathy and shame among Trainee Physicians | Wu Han | 2022/11/30 |
Climate Change and Health Curriculum (1), (2) | Gulmetova Komola | 2022/10/8 |
Flipped Classroom Instructional | Wu Han | 2022/07/20 |
Learner Centered Approach in Medical Education | Gulmetova Komola | 2022/05/25 |
Best Evidence Medical Education – EME – | Wu Han | 2022/4 |
Emotional Labor | Gulmetova Komola | 2022/3/29 |
Differences in geneatric nursing between China and Japan | Wu Han | 2022/3 |
Hidden Curriculum | Naomi Paul | 2022/02/16 |
Nondrug treatment | Yanpping Liang | 2021/11/29 |
How to improve medical e-Education | Yanpping Liang | 2021/11/29 |
Study regarding online learning under pandemic situation | 阿部 竜起 | 2021/11/25 |
Motivation in Medical Education | Gulmetova Komola | 2021/11/11 |